With a little help from our imagination Paris’ most famous cemetry has the panache of an underground village. As living mortals, we only notice the aboveground references.

Père Lachaise is the story of the last domicile of many, many French and foreign legends. You don’t have to search endlessly for the graves of Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf, Oscar Wilde, Fréderique Chopin, Marcel Proust or Molière. We do this for you and with you. Moreover we are standing still at the monument for the fallen Communards, one the bloodiest weeks in Paris’ history. A tour that will make you silently. 


Included in this itinerary:

  • A walk along world’s most famous cemetry
  • An anthology of the French cultural history
  • Last departure at 15h30


They are world famous, but difficult to find back on the detailed street map of Paris. Would you like to wander in the beautiful passages and elegant galeries of rive droite? This is your chance. We walk through forgotton pearls like Galerie Vivienne and Passage de Panorama at the Grands Boulevards. We pass the magnificent garden of Palais Royal. Shopaholics are of course welcome in this tour. But if you like to dive into the 19th century Parisian atmosphere, this tour can be meaningful for you too. And, not to forget: a very good alternative in rainy weather! 😉 


Included in this itinerary:

  • Different passages and galeries at rive droite
  • Visiting the impressive garden of Palais Royal
  • Atmosphere of 19th century Paris


One of the best sides of the French culture is her kitchen. And this one is delicious! Simple, but delicious. In this tour you meet and eat the delicacies of Paris: the best pastry, charcuterie and… fromage! Paris’ food touches your whole body, from your stomach to your heart. Stimulate all your senses : see, feel, smell, hear and of course… taste the city during this delicious tour de dégustation!


Included in this itinerary:

  • You wander through one of the most picturesque streets of Paris which was already a phenomenon in the Middle Ages as the gastronomic center of city.
  • Many delicacies stores surround you, among them the oldest pastry store of the whole city!
  • The pastry, charcutery and cheese will taste even more creamy with our information about the food.